Office : 812-945-5976  /  Site : 812-246-9755

Clark-Floyd Landfill

recycling and disposal facility


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The Clark-Floyd Landfill is located along State Road 60 in Southern Indiana, and is owned by Clark and Floyd Counties in Indiana. In 2004, the owners of Clark-Floyd Landfill, LLC were awarded a franchise agreement to manage and operate the landfill. 

The landfill is a fully permitted Sub-Title D waste disposal and recycling facility receiving approximately 1,200 tons per day of municipal, commercial and industrial solid waste, as well as construction & demolition debris (CD&D).

Environmental Protection

The landfill implements a four point environmental protection program which:

1Meets Federally and State mandated siting criteria for this type of facility.

2Monitoring the performance of the engineered components by utilizing groundwater monitoring wells; groundwater piezometers, perimeter gas migration probes, stormwater quality monitoring, and construction quality control and assurance and regulatory inspections during construction.

3Being outfitted with engineered subsurface impermeable cut-off wall and perimeter leachate collection system as required by IDEM’s approved Federal subtitle D regulations.


4Implemented management controls including routine employee training management certification required by IDEM, landfill gas extraction, leachate (wastewater) collection and treatment, stormwater collection and treatment, fugitive dust management, and emissions management.

A recycling company conducts material recovery operations to salvage metals, paper, cardboard, and wood to defer reusable materials from disposal at the landfill.


The landfill recently received approval from Indiana Department of Environmental management (IDEM) to vertically expand the landfill. This landfill expansion provides airspace until 2030. The landfill has additional expansions planned which will extend the life of the landfill beyond 2050 for the region. The construction of the balance of the subsurface cut-off wall and perimeter collection system will be completed in the next few years which also includes the construction of an additional sedimentation basin to support the landfill operations within the next 4 to 7 years. The landfill will be maintained for a minimum of 30 years following final closure of the landfill as required by IDEM requirements. A general location map is attached which shows the existing landfill and the proposed expansion boundaries with respect to its surroundings.


clark-floyd landfill permits

  • Permit Number
  • Current Permit Expires
  • Part 70 Operating Permit Renewal
  • T019-33893-00097
  • 02/16/2029
  • Part 70 Operating Permit - Significant Source Modification
  • 019-36828-00097
  • 02/12029
  • Letter of Approval for Major Modification: Vertical Expansion
  • FP 10-01
  • 12/20/2029
  • Solid Waste Operating Permit Renewal
  • FP 10-01
  • 2/16/2029
  • City of Jeffersonville Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Permit, (IWP) - Facility discharge into the Jeffersonville Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
  • IWP 012
  • 12/30/2029